Combined Hemiepiphysiodesis Using Tension Band Plate and Osteotomy for Severe Coronal Plane Deformities Around Knee Joint in Children with Skeletal Dysplasia – An Innovative Technique
Volume 8 | Issue 2 | May-August 2022 | Page: 20-23 | Anil Agarwal, Ankit Jain, Ravi Jethwa, Jatin Raj Sareen
Authors: Anil Agarwal MS Ortho [1], Ankit Jain D Ortho [1], Ravi Jethwa MS Ortho [1], Jatin Raj Sareen MS Ortho [1]
[1] Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr. Anil Agarwal
Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi, India.
Skeletal dysplasia in children is sometimes associated with severe coronal plane angulations around the knee. The associated ligament laxity adds to the complexity of surgical correction. Osteotomies require precise surgical planning and execution. Hemiepiphyseodesis is usually employed only in mild and moderate deformity. Distraction osteogenesis method is labour intensive, costly and requires a prolonged treatment course. We describe an innovative surgical technique which combines hemiepiphysiodesis using tension-band plates and a metaphyseal osteotomy. The technique utilises acute bony correction by osteotomy followed by residual correction, if any and soft tissue fine tuning through growth modulation. Growth modulation also addresses recurrence to some extent. The surgical technique is described along with illustrative case examples.
Keywords: Skeletal dysplasia, Osteotomy, Hemiepiphyseodesis
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How to Cite this Article: K Agarwal A, Jain A, Jethwa R, Sareen JR | Combined Hemiepiphysiodesis Using Tension Band Plate and Osteotomy for Severe Coronal Plane Deformities Around Knee Joint in Children with Skeletal Dysplasia – An Innovative Technique | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May- August 2022; 8(2): 20-23. |