IJPO – New Educational Initiatives

Volume 2 | Issue 3 | Sep – Dec 2016 | Page 1-2| Sandeep Patwardhan, Taral Nagda, Ashok Shyam

Authors :Sandeep Patwardhan [1], Taral Nagda [2], Ashok Shyam [1],[3]

[1]  Sancheti Instittue for orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, India.
[2] Institute of Pediatric Orthopedic Disorders Mumbai India.
[3] Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr Ashok Shyam
IORG House, Mantahn Apts, shreesh CHS, Hajuri Road, Thane
Email: dr ashokshyam@gmail.com

IJPO – New Educational Initiatives

International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics has successfully completed second year of regular publication and we thank our readers, reviewers, authors and editorial board members for their support. Now we are ready to undertake more serious roles in our academic endeavours. There two main focus of IJPO, Research and Education. Role of a journal as an Education portal has been limited since most journals currently focus on the new research and original articles. At IJPO we have kept our focus on the educational front from the very first issue
IJPO has the tradition of including a symposia in every issue and we have completed symposia on certain complex topics like paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures [1], neglected clubfoot [2] and radial club hand [3]. These symposia are written in an easy narrative review patterns and are written by authors that are actively involved in treatment of these diseases. The reviews have practical learning points and are most of the time case based, thus making it easier to read as well as relate. If the readers can relate to the journal and use the practical points in their clinical practice, that would be the greatest testimonial to IJPO. To that end we are trying to use the technology to make the content more user friendly. Videos have been shown to be more effective that text in terms of appeal for the users as well as the visual impact. We are trying to use this concept in three different ways for IJPO. From next issue we will be inviting the article summary in a PowerPoint format which will then be converted to a video to make up a video abstract and posted online. The concept of video abstract is absolutely novel and has just been introduced in our Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports in Dec 2016 [4]. The world is rapidly advancing in terms of its technological tastes. The screens are getting smaller and many access the journals on mobile platform where reading text may be a problem. Video abstracts in PowerPoint format will help the reader get the summary of the paper in a nice video format which they can easily browse and play on the mobile devices. We shall in future ask the authors themselves to record themselves either presenting the PowerPoint or even directly talking to the readers summarising important points in their articles. This will also create a different kind of interaction among the authors and the readers. IJPO has the policy of including the author’s photographs in the article and with inclusion of video abstract with authors speaking to the readers, a new kind of interaction will be forged. Our second attempt will be focussed on including surgical technique videos in all our original articles that describe a surgical technique. We believe this will give readers an insight into the procedure that authors are performing and will help in forming clear perspective of the paper. Also many surgeons have certain tricks and minor improvisations in surgical techniques which will be helpful to many. Our section of surgical techniques will also be based on similar concept where demonstration of surgical techniques by experts will be included. This is specifically useful in learning practical clinical tips as suggested by recent randomised trial [5]. This approach may also help in accelerating the surgical learning curve for new procedures [6]. In addition we will also be partnering with Ortho TV portal for providing more exclusive and dynamic content to our readers. Ortho TV is an upcoming portal of Orthopaedic Research group that will have exclusive video content put online by various organisations and societies. We will also be putting content from IJPO specially the video abstracts on Ortho TV for listing. This will gain us a wider audience and will improve the outreach of the Journal.
We wish to keep IJPO as well as our other journals in forefront of technological developments and intend to use technology to its fullest. This will help us put forth the content is a more effective format as well as cater to the changing taste and times of the coming generation.
We wish IJPO to be an education as well as an Academic Portal. When we say portal, we mean the entire package of web portal and the print version. We solicit the support of the paediatric orthopaedic community to help us in realising this ambitious project. This is a huge task and cannot be done without the help of the paediatric orthopaedic community. We invite suggestions and comments from all of you to create a better Journal which is future ready
Thanks again for supporting IJPO and we look forward to an interactive 2017


1. Patwardhan S, Nagda T. Editorial. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics July-Sep 2015;1(1):1.
2. Agashe M. Neglected clubfoot: Patho-anatomy and clinical features. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics Jan-Apr 2016;1(2):2-5
3. Mehta R. Editorial – Radial Hemimelia Par I. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics May-Aug 2016;2(2):8.
4. Shyam A. Video Abstracts – A new approach to Academic Publications. Journal of Orthopaedic Case Reports 2016 Nov – Dec 6(4): 1-2.
5. Buch SV, Treschow FP, Svendsen JB, Worm BS. Video- or text-based e-learning when teaching clinical procedures? A randomized controlled trial. Adv Med Educ Pract. 2014 Aug 16;5:257-62.
6. Ibrahim AM, Varban OA, Dimick JB. Novel Uses of Video to Accelerate the Surgical Learning Curve. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A. 2016 Apr;26(4):240-2.

How to Cite this Article: Patwardhan S, Nagda T, Shyam AK. IJPO – New Educational Initiatives. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics Sep – Dec 2016;2(3):1-2

Dr Sandeep Patwardhan

Dr Sandeep Patwardhan

Dr Taral Nagda

Dr Taral Nagda

Dr Ashok Shyam

Dr Ashok Shyam

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