International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics
ISSN: 2455-3905
Volume 6 | Issue 1 | January-April 2020
Cover Page
Editorial Board
Table of Content
Amazing Journey of POSI and POSICON’s
Ashok Johari, Taral Nagda, Sandeep Patwardhan & Ashok Shyam
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2019.v05i01.069 |
Original Articles
Assessment in adolescent scoliosis
Dr. Connor J. S. McKee
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2020.v06i01.075 |
Observational Study on Impact of Pediatric Foot Pathology and its Management in Ossification of Midfoot Tarsal bones
Dr. B. Pasupathy, Dr. M. Sathish
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2020.v06i01.076 |
Congenital Muscular Torticollis: A study
Dr Md. Ashraful Islam, Dr. Datta N K, Dr. Arefin K M N,Dr. Faisal A, Dr. Mahmud C I, Dr. Murad S A, Dr. Rahman M M, Dr. Alam M M U, Dr. Begum I A
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2020.v06i01.077 |
Reliability of a New Radiographic Classification System for Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip
Dr. B. Pasupathy, Dr. M. Sathish
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2020.v06i01.078 |
Case Reports
Correction of coronal, rotational deformity and shortening in a paediatric femur using Ilizarov technique – A case report
Dr. Ramprasath Ramlal Dhurvas, Dr. Vetrivel Chezian Sengodan, Dr. Surendar Vellaiyan
(Abstract) (Full text HTML) (Fulltext PDF)
doi-10.13107/ijpo.2020.v06i01.079 |
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(c) International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics