Temporary Transphyseal Medial Malleolar Screw Hemiepiphysiodesis for Acquired Ankle Valgus Following Fibular Graft Harvest in Children: A Series of 15 Patients
Volume 7 | Issue 3 | September-December 2021 | Page: 17-22 | Ankit Jain, Anil Agarwal, Nitish Bikram Deo, Ankur, Jatin Raj Sareen
Authors: Ankit Jain D. Ortho. [1], Anil Agarwal MS Ortho. [1], Nitish Bikram Deo MS Ortho. [1], Ankur MS Ortho. [1], Jatin Raj Sareen MS Ortho. [1]
[1] Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi, India.
Address of Correspondence
Dr Anil Agarwal
Specialist, Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Delhi, India.
E-mail: anilrachna@gmail.com
Purpose: To assess the role of temporary transphyseal medial malleolar screw hemiepiphysiodesis in cases of acquired ankle valgus following non-vascularized fibular harvest.
Methods: This retrospective chart review included 15 children (18 ankles). Exclusion criteria were inadequate records or additional procedures besides screw hemiepiphysiodesis. Radiological evaluations included lateral distal tibial angle (LDTA) and fibular station (Malhotra grade).
Results : The average patient age was 8.6 years at surgery. The overall duration of treatment was 18.2 months and post removal follow-up (5 ankles) was 16.6 months. The average correction rate was 0.48 degrees/ month. LDTA changed significantly following hemiepiphysiodesis (Pre-op 077.3 degrees/ in situ follow-up 85.9 degrees). The Malhotra grade did not change significantly during the same period. The average recurrence rate [noted in 4/5 patients] was 0.52 degrees per month. However, LDTA and Malhotra grade did not change significantly post removal.
Conclusions : We report the results of temporary transphyseal medial malleolar screw hemiepiphysiodesis for post fibular harvest acquired ankle valgus in children. Temporary hemiepiphysiodesis is a viable option for the correction of acquired ankle valgus in children. The fibular station is however not restored following the procedure. Recurrence of deformity following screw removal remains a worrying complication in some patients.
Keywords: Hemiepiphysiodesis, Ankle valgus, Growth modulation, Fibula, Harvest
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How to Cite this Article: Jain A, Agarwal A, Deo NB, Ankur, Sareen JR | Temporary Transphyseal Medial Malleolar Screw Hemiepiphysiodesis for Acquired Ankle Valgus following Fibular Graft Harvest in Children: A Series of 15 Patients | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | September-December 2021; 7(3): 17-22. |