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Volume 9 | Issue 3 | September-December 2023 | Page: 01 | Jayanth S. Sampath

DOI- https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2023.v09.i03.155

Authors: Jayanth S. Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth) [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Jayanth S. Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com


At the outset, I must apologize on behalf of the Editorial Committee of IJPO for the recent loss of continuity in the release of journal issues. The National Medical Commission stopped recognising Index Copernicus towards publication credit for academic clinicians in medical colleges. Consequently, there was a steep reduction in the number of articles submitted to the journal from institutions based in India, one of our main sources of submissions. There was some delay from our reviewers in speedy completion of the review process.
To address these issues, the IJPO Editorial Team with the help of the Executive Council of Paediatric Society of India (POSI) have put in place several measures to improve the number of submissions and for the timely review of submissions. We will increase our presence on social media to expand our reach to young orthopaedic surgeons all over the world. We would like to invite our readers, particularly members of POSI and paediatric orthopaedic academic societies around the world, to join our panel of reviewers. This will provide members a direct insight into the review process and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge within the profession. This is a noble and worthwhile cause and we request your support.
We are also looking towards expanding our editorial board. The current team has been in place for over 6 years. It is time to introduce new talent and ideas, in the long-term interests of the journal.
This issue offers readers a comprehensive overview of the current thinking on the management of musculoskeletal infection in childhood. A series of five articles introduces readers to the basic pathophysiology of infections in the bone, progressing to acute osteomyelitis, mimics and sequelae of infection, and concluding with a review on tuberculosis. I am sure that this symposium will benefit orthopaedic postgraduates and practising surgeons.
We invite your suggestions and comments for any improvements to the journal. Kindly write to us editor@ijpo.com
Before I finish, it is my pleasure to acknowledge the contributions of Mr Saurabh Pullawar from Indian Orthopaedic Research Group who manages the page proofs, communications and the IJPO website single-handedly. The cover page artwork is by Dr Easwar T Ramani, POSI Webmaster and part-time artist. An explanatory note is available below this message.
Dr Jayanth S Sampath
Editor, International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics


The Two Hands
The two facets of care in septic arthritis, one delivering the surgical knockout punch and the other offering quiet support to the patient to help tide over the sequelae. Conceptualized as the two hands of the Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon in this artwork.

How to Cite this Article:  Sampat JS | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | September-December 2023; 9(3): 01.| https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2023.v09.i03.155

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Volume 7 | Issue 3 | September-December 2021 | Page: 01 | Jayant  S. Sampat

Authors: Jayant S. Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth) [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jayanth S. Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com

Dear friends and colleagues
This issue of IJPO features original articles and case reports on a wide variety of paediatric orthopaedic conditions ranging from congenital deformities to infection and trauma. The POSI fraternity from India and around the globe have been sending in their submissions on a regular basis. This has enabled the IJPO team to publish twelve articles in this issue including 4 original papers, a new record for the POSI journal.
The “arm board” technique for the management of supracondylar fractures highlights the constant innovations being introduced into surgical practice by POSI members. Barick and colleagues have conducted a well-designed prospective study on walking age in children with clubfoot. Their work will help us to counsel parents of children with clubfoot appropriately. Other original articles on the management of osteoid osteoma and hemi-epiphyseodesis of the ankle add to the existing literature and provide new insights into the management of these conditions.
The case reports represent an eclectic mix of conditions from the rare “dysosteosclerosis” to the common problem of fingertip injuries in children. Each report is well written and presented to convey a clear message to the reader. On behalf of the Editorial Board, we commend each of the authors for their contribution and recognise the significant effort involved in seeing a submission through to publication. In the background, a large team of paediatric orthopaedic surgeons have provided their invaluable support for the peer-review process.
This issue also showcases the non-surgical skills of POSI members. Our cover page illustration is by Dr Easwar. T. R from Palakkad who dedicates his considerable artistic gift for charitable causes. Dr Taral Nagda has overseen the style and presentation of IJPO since its inception, in addition to creating previous cover page illustrations.
We have evolved substantially over the last 18 months. From reliance on invited article and symposia in the early days, IJPO is now composed entirely of original research work.
As always, we request interested POSI members to send in their submissions to the journal, volunteer to review articles and join the Editorial Board of the journal. Please visit our website www.ijpoonline.com for further details.

Jayanth S Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth)
Editor, International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics (IJPO), POSI

How to Cite this Article: Sampat JS | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May-August 2021; 7(2): 01.

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Volume 7 | Issue 2 | May-August 2021 | Page: 01 | Jayant  S. Sampat

Authors: Jayant S. Sampath FRCSEd (Tr&Orth) [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jayanth S. Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com

Warm greetings to all from the International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics Editorial Team.

We are pleased to present the 3rd POSI issue of IJPO. Thanks to the overwhelming response to our invitation for submissions, our team of reviewers and editors have been kept busy in the past few months. We would like to express our gratitude to the entire POSI family from around the world and to all the authors for their submissions. With your continued support, the journal will reach great heights in the years to come.
This issue has an informative and exhaustively researched symposium on lateral condyle fractures of the humerus. The articles in the symposium will provide a comprehensive and updated overview about this condition that poses significant challenges to the treating surgeon. The authors are acknowledged experts in paediatric trauma from India and around the world. It has been specially designed to supplement the material available in orthopaedic textbooks for the benefit of trainees, in addition to providing treatment pearls for the practising orthopaedic surgeon.
We have original articles and interesting case reports from India, United Kingdom, Portugal, Senegal on a wide variety of paediatric orthopaedic conditions including DDH, infection and its sequelae and clubfoot managed in diverse healthcare systems.
Due to the unprecedented increase in submissions, we call upon the POSI fraternity to help the society journal by joining our team of reviewers. This will help us to complete the peer review process in a timely manner. Being a part of our team will help also young surgeons to better understand the review process and develop their writing skills.
We look forward to hearing from you with suggestions for further improvement.


Jayanth S Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth)
Editor, International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics

How to Cite this Article: Sampat JS | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May-August 2021; 7(2): 01.

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Volume 7 | Issue 1 | January-April 2021 | Page: 01 | Jayant  S. Sampat

Authors: Jayant S. Sampath FRCSEd (Tr&Orth) [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jayanth S. Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com

Dear Friends
On behalf of the Editorial Board, I am pleased to present the 1st issue of IJPO for the year 2021. As the world grapples with the pandemic, it has been difficult to find the right frame of mind for research and publication. We would like to record our gratitude to the contributors for the timely completion of the submission and review process.
Dr Maulin Shah has ably curated a symposium on Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy (BPBP) for this issue. The authors include doyens in the field of Brachial Plexus surgery in India. We thank the senior authors for generously sharing their immense experience in managing this difficult problem. The symposium will hopefully act as a practical reference for trainees and practising orthopaedic surgeons alike.
The original articles in this issue deal with familiar problems in Paediatric Orthopaedics namely clubfoot, chronic osteomyelitis and supracondylar fractures of the humerus. The authors describe their experience of managing these problems in a resource-limited setting whilst constantly striving to question current practice and suggest improvements.
We are still a fledgling organisation and need your support to reach greater heights. Please do consider IJPO, the official journal of Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India when submitting your research work for peer-reviewed publication. The Editorial Board members are making special efforts to improve submitted manuscripts in terms of language and content.
Dr Jayanth S Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth)


How to Cite this Article:  Sampat JS  | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | January-April 2021; 7(1): 01.

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Volume 6 | Issue 2 | May-August 2020 | Page: 2-3 | Jayant S Sampath

Authors: Jayant S Sampath [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Jayanth S Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com,

Dear Friends,
This issue comes with the exciting news that Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India (POSI) has recognised International Journal Of Paediatric Orthopaedics (IJPO) as its official journal.
IJPO was first published in 2015 with the aim of highlighting the treatment of paediatric orthopaedic conditions in the developing world setting. It is well recognised that existing reputable journals tend to focus on the latest technique or device; resources that may not be available to surgeons in emergent nations or affordable by their patients. Through symposia on practical management of supracondylar fractures, clubfoot and radial clubhand; IJPO has made an energetic beginning in tackling this issue. In addition to traditionally written papers, the journal invites authors to submit a summary of their work as a PowerPoint presentation or videos to supplement an article about a new technique.
Over the last 25 years, POSI has emerged as the leading academic body for paediatric orthopaedics in the Asia-Pacific region. Through its commitment to teaching and research, it has forged strong partnerships with sister societies throughout the world. Several ongoing academic collaborations, travelling fellowships, and joint research projects are destined to bear rich fruit in terms of new insights and understanding about the ongoing challenges in our day to day practice.
With the POSI collaboration, IJPO will be the favoured means of disseminating information to the paediatric orthopaedic community at large. Our call for expansion of the Editorial Board met with an enthusiastic response from POSI members. The new board represents a cross-section of members from across the country and different levels of seniority. With this newfound vigour, we endeavour to review your articles and provide a response quickly. Submissions that require further work will be provided mentorship from a senior POSI member. We aim to get you published without any compromise on quality or the peer-review process.
Our readers’ time will be better utilised if the latest trends and developments are summarised in the form of symposia on specific topics and review articles. IJPO will continue to serve this need with high-quality papers from experts in the field. We will also publish practice guidelines which are brought out from time to time by academic societies throughout the world.
IJPO and POSI remain committed to providing surgeons with easy and free access to the journal. Full-text articles will therefore continue to remain accessible through the IJPO and POSI websites. POSI members are provided the additional benefit of publication without any article processing charge.
We invite all POSI members and well-wishers to join us in this effort to create a stronger journal with a bright long-term future. With your help, we can reach our next milestone of achieving indexation in PubMed.
I look forward to receiving your comments and suggestions on editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com

Yours Sincerely,
Dr Jayanth S Sampath

How to Cite this Article: Sampath J | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May-August 2020; 6(2): 02-03.

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Volume 6 | Issue 2 | May-August 2020 | Page: 1 | Dhiren Ganjwala

Authors : Dhiren Ganjwala [1]

[1] Ganjwala Orthopedic Hospital, 302, Anshi Avenue, Polytechnic, Ahmedabad 380015, Gujarat, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Dhiren Ganjwala,
Director, Ganjwala Orthopedic Hospital
302, Anshi Avenue, Polytechnic, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.
E-mail: ganjwala@gmail.com

Life is a learning process and learning is a lifelong process. This is true for professionals in any field as knowledge expands rapidly and it is difficult to keep pace with it. Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India (POSI) has hosted a variety of educational activities in the field of paediatric orthopaedics to support our one common aim: improving the quality of patient care. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics (IJPO), the official journal of POSI is an important tool to serve this purpose. I wish that the knowledge circulated by IJPO will improve the quality of care offered to children not only in India but around the world. I congratulate Dr. Jayanth Sampath, the current editor of IJPO, for the hard work and untiring efforts to make this possible. I also thank the editorial board members for their dedication and devotion to bring out such an informative inaugural issue. It is a matter of pride that the contributors to this issue are from different countries across 3 continents. I wish IJPO every success in its mission to disseminate knowledge for better treatment to children suffering from musculoskeletal problems.

Dhiren Ganjwala
The President, POSI

How to Cite this Article: Ganjwala D | Foreword | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May-August 2020; 6(2): 01.

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