Tag Archive for: Infants

Specific Anatomical Patterns of Septic Sequelae of Knee in Children: Possibility of a Vascular Etiopathogenesis

Volume 8 | Issue 3 | September-December 2022 | Page: 16-21| Anil Agarwal

DOI- https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2022.v08.i03.145

Authors: Anil Agarwal [1] MS Ortho.

[1] Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Geeta Colony, Delhi, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Anil Agarwal,
Department of Paediatric Orthopaedics, Chacha Nehru Bal Chikitsalaya, Geeta Colony, Delhi, India.
E-mail: anilrachna@gmail.com


Background: The septic sequelae of knee following infantile infection is scantily described in literature. This case series depicts the various anatomical zones affected, the radiological presentation and proposes a vascular hypothesis for the sequelae.
Methods and results: Sequelae presented with three distinct radiological findings namely, unicondylar loss of lateral distal femur (n=4), hemicondylar loss of anterior portion of proximal tibia (n=3), and epiphyseal overgrowth and deficient tibial metaphysis of medial/ lateral side (n=4). The anatomical zones for above findings were seen approximately matching with the supply of specific genicular arteries around knee. On corroborating the early post infective radiographs and the sequelae radiographs, it was found that most patients had concomitant osteomyelitis, sometimes extensive.
Conclusions: We could recognize three distinct anatomical patterns of septic sequelae of knee following osteoarticular knee infection in infancy. An ischemic etiopathogenesis is suggested based on consistent radiological findings and the vascular supply zones. Most cases followed concomitant occurrence of septic arthritis and extensive osteomyelitis.
Keywords: Knee, Sepsis, Sequelae, Ischemia, Infants


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How to Cite this Article: Agarwal A | Specific Anatomical Patterns of Septic Sequelae of Knee in Children: Possibility of a Vascular Etiopathogenesis | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | September-December 2022; 8(3): 16-21 | https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2022.v08.i03.145

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