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Osteochondroma Arising from the Head of the Fibula: A Rare Cause of Drop Foot in Pediatric Age

Volume 3 | Issue 1 | Jan-Jun 2017 | Page 2-5 | Pérez-Ortiz Sergio, Blas-Dobón JA, Peralta-Nieto J, Gómez-Barbero P

Authors : Pérez-Ortiz Sergio [1], Blas-Dobón JA [1], Peralta-Nieto J [1], Gómez-Barbero P [1].

[1] Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia, Spain

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Sergio Perez  Ortiz

Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset, Valencia, Spain.

Email: serperort@gmail.com


Background: The common peroneal nerve (CPN) or external popliteal nerve is the most frequently involved nerve in entrapment syndromes in the lower extremities. Its proximity to the head of the fibula makes it particularly susceptible to damage by different injury mechanisms. Osteochondromas arising from the proximal fibula are a rare cause of common peroneal nerve injury.
Methods: We report a case of a 13-year-old Caucasian male patient referred to our hospital with drop foot and palpable mass in the head of the right fibula. Physical examination revealed a severe paresis, grade 2 objectified by the scale of the Medical Research Council (MRC) in the extensor hallucislongus, extensor digitorumlongus and tibialis anterior muscles and hypoesthesia in the dorsal surface of foot and portions of the anterior, lower-lateral leg. In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) a tumor in the head of the fibula compressing the CPN is observed. Electromyographic studies confirmed the presence of severe partial axonotmesis of the right peroneal nerve.
The patient underwent surgery for decompression of the peroneal nerve and resection of the proximal fibula osteocartilaginousexostosis. The histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of osteochondroma.
Results: At the 12-month postoperative follow-up the patient recovered sensitivity and presented, according to the MRC scale, muscle strength of 4 out of 5 in thepreviouslynamed muscles, being able to walk without orthotic devices. In the electromyography, subacuteaxonotmesis with important signs of active reinnervation observed
Conclusions : Osteochondroma in the head of the fibula is a rare cause of CPN injury, that can go easily unnoticed and has to be considered in the differential diagnosis of the drop foot in pediatric ages. Diagnosis and treatment should not be delayed to get a good neurological recovery because, otherwise, it could be irreversible.
Keywords: Drop foot, peroneal palsy, osteochondroma, tumor, nerve injury, surgery, nerve decompression, tumor of the fibula, pediatrics.


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How to Cite this Article: Sergio PO, Blas-Dobón JA, Peralta-Nieto J, Gómez-Barbero POsteochondroma Arising from the Head of the Fibula: A Rare Cause of Drop Foot in Pediatric Age. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics Jan-June 2017;3(1):20-23.

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