
Volume 9 | Issue 2 | May-August 2023 | Page: 01 | Jayanth S. Sampath

DOI- https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2023.v09.i02.162

Authors: Jayanth S. Sampath FRCSEd (Tr & Orth) [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedics, Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

Address of Correspondence

Dr. Jayanth S. Sampath,
Rainbow Children’s Hospital, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
E-mail: editor.posi.ijpo@gmail.com


On behalf of the Editorial Committee of Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India, we are pleased to release the next issue of IJPO. The recent changes to the structure of our editorial board has allowed us to finalise this issue within a short time.
This issue of IJPO has several highlights. It features 5 original articles and 2 case reports by POSI members on a wide variety of topics within paediatric orthopaedics including hip dysplasia, children’s fractures, infection, and cerebral palsy. I would call the attention of the reader to a long-term epidemiological study on the incidence of fractures in adolescents. This work highlights that population-wide data collection is possible in the developing world, providing new insights into the aetiology and pathogenesis of musculoskeletal disorders in children.
We would like to invite our readers, particularly members of POSI and paediatric orthopaedic academic societies around the world, to join our panel of reviewers. This will provide an insight into the review process and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge within the profession.
We invite your suggestions and comments for any improvements to the journal. Kindly write to us editor.ijpo@gmail.com
I would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dr Gaurav Gupta, Associate Editor and Mr Saurabh Pullawar from Indian Orthopaedic Research Group who manages the page proofs, communications and the IJPO website.

Dr Jayanth S Sampath
International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics

How to Cite this Article:  Sampat JS | Editorial | International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics | May-August 2023;9(2): 01. https://doi.org/10.13107/ijpo.2023.v09.i02.162

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