First Anniversary of IJPO
Volume 2 | Issue 2 | May-Aug 2016 | Page 1| Sandeep Patwardhan1, Taral Nagda2, Ashok Shyam1,3
Authors :Sandeep Patwardhan[1], Taral Nagda[2], Ashok Shyam[1],[3]
[1] Sancheti Instittue for orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, India.
[2] Institute of Pediatric Orthopedic Disorders Mumbai India.
[3] Indian Orthopaedic Research Group, Thane, India
Address of Correspondence
Dr Ashok Shyam
IORG House, Mantahn Apts, shreesh CHS, Hajuri Road, Thane
Email: dr
Dear Colleagues,we are glad to present to you the First Anniversary issue of International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics (IJPO). First anniversary is a landmark event in history of a Journal. If a journal runs successfully for one year, it reflects that the journal is here to stay. One year is the basic temporal unit after which most of the indexing of the journal arrives and the academic quality of the Journal is evident. IJPO has a consistent history of publication with no issue skipping and every issue having good number of articles. IJPO has started receiving articles from nay countries including UK, Mexico, Canada, India, USA and also Japan. This shows that the authors have developed faith in the journal. This has greatly encouraged us to take IJPO to greater heights. The review process is stringent and effective with each article undergoing blinded peer review. These standard are maintained along with best publishing practices which helps IJPO earn good reputation. We are happy to announce that IJPO has been accepted for Indexing in Index Copernicus thus making it eligible, as per Medical council of India, to be called as indexed Journal.
IJPO was started with the aim to bring practice based practical knowledge to the readers along with high quality research papers. With this aim we ran expert symposia’s in each issue in first year and we will continue this tradition in future. The present issue contain symposia on radial club hand compiled and edited by Dr Rujuta Mehta. We thank her for an excellent effort in selecting authors for the symposia and editing each and every article. This symposia will run in two issue as the number of articles were more. In future too we would love to have much more detailed symposia where every aspect of the selected topic can be comprehensively covered. We invite more colleagues to join us as Guest editors at IJPO.
In this issue we have started a new trend of interviewing legends of paediatric orthopaedics. For the first interview, Dr Ashok Johari’s name was unanimously selected and Dr Sandeep Patwardhan and Dr Ashok Shyam interviewed him in Pune. The interview has come up as an excellent piece of literary work which traces Dr Johari’s journey of becoming a paediatric orthopaedic surgeon. The interview is also to be published in two parts with first part included in this issue and second part in forthcoming issue. These interviews will help us get a glimpse of life and times of the legends and to learn from them. We will continue this tradition of interviewing exceptional personalities in paediatric orthopaedics in every issue of IJPO.
Lastly, IJPO has initiated an active participation in research. A journal need not only be a passive platform for publishing research but it can also be an active platform which can be used to conduct studies. IJPO team has liaised with Trauma Registry app developed by Indian Orthopaedic Research Group to start a supracondylar humerus fracture registry. More on the registry is covered later in the issue but basically this aims to collect epidemiological data as far as paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures are concerned.
We hope these new features will attract more authors and readers to IJPO. We will continue to work hard on developing new formats of articles and publications for IJPO and also focus on improving the indexing of IJPO in next one year.
How to Cite this Article: Patwardhan S, Nagda T, Shyam AK. First Anniversary of IJPO. International Journal of Paediatric Orthopaedics May- Aug 2016;2(1):1 |